Liminal Routes
Liminal Routes was established as a means to support club cultures, provide opportunities for new listening experiences and promote the work of DJs and artists while spaces for such gathering were on hold due to COVID-19. The project consists of a series of situated audio mixtapes, with each artist creating a mixtape for a walking route of their choice in the city.

Brand Design
Visual ID & Logo Design
Screen Printed Merch Production
The Nocturns
The Nocturns are a pop music producing duo based in London. The logo represents an owl to illustrate the name of the duo. The image is composed of lines of different thickness, which form a sound wave. The two eyes were subtly used both as a way of creating a monogram capturing the initials of the founders, J and C, and as a way of suggesting the different mediums used by the producers in their process, such as mix tapes and DJ decks. The winking eye creates asymmetries within the design, and suggests the friendly and approachable nature of the duo and their music.

Brand Design
Editorial Design
Sound Recording & Editing
The Market Will Regulate Itself
The past few years of British politics have been characterised by privatisation, deregulation of the market, austerity policies and competitiveness. Neoliberal policies have shaped not only the way we live but also our society and environment. As a way of encapsulating the ideological change brought about by the ideology and its repercussions on our system, I created a sound piece mixing recorded sounds titled ‘The Market Will Regulate Itself’ as a social commentary on our current system and its flaws.

Brand Design
Editorial Design
Video Editing
Webdesign Elements
Production & Printing
Bricks + Mortar
In 1919, the Government created the Addison Act, a move that made individual housing needs a national responsibility and aimed to provide good quality housing for working people. 100 years on in 2019 the state of our housing is not only a national crisis, but a national scandal. Bristol is particularly affected. The Bricks + Mortar exhibition was set up to display and engage the public with the work of 3rd year UWE students (2019), a series of site-specific mega graphics installed around the city at the same time on Monday 11th November and then exhibited at the Vestibules in College Green.

Visual ID
Promotional Material
Impact Report
Presentation Template
Grounding Technologies
Grounding Technologies is a pilot project that explores how everyday technology can be used to support place-based, just climate action. Six groups received £15K each to develop pilot projects, which brought together teams of activists, artists, designers, researchers, programmers, creative makers, thinkers, and producers. The final report was printed in the format of a newspaper to reflect the project’s participatory approach. The overall visual ID was designed to communicate the collaborative nature of the project, featuring elements like lines and circles to signify unity, while also drawing inspiration from technological motifs.